I won't go much into the theoretical details of neural networks as they are covered exhaustingly elsewhere. There are plenty of resources you can check out: books, videos, online material,... whatever you like. Following a list of books I can recommend that cover (not solely) NN:
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Bishop)
- Pattern Classification (Duda, Hart, Stork)
- Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (Bishop)
(I don't own this one myself, but I heard only good things...) - The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman)
The Setting
The picture below shows a schematic diagram of a NN, taken from Bishop's PRML book, as I will mostly stick to his nomenclature (the image can be found here):On the left side is the input of dimension D, in the middle is a so called hidden layer of dimension M and on the right side is the output (of dimension K). In the picture there is only one hidden layer, but there can be any number of them in a network; and they can all be (and usually are) of different dimensions.